For our final YIIP blog, Larissa has asked us to compile a list of a few things we have gathered since returning to Canada. I apologize since this is extremely late - time has been flying by since I started school. I can't believe it's already been three months since I've come home!
Five things that I enjoyed about my internship experience are:
1. Being surrounded by nature
2. Meeting and working with other like-minded people
3. Working my dream job and feeling like I'm making a difference
4. Being physically active every day
5. The wealth of knowledge I gained at the station
Five things that bothered me during my internship experience are:
1. Mosquitoes and sandflies (my legs will never look the same)
2. Being blinded nearly every night by sand-flinging turtles on the beach
3. Las cucarachas grandes
4. Mouldy clothing
5. Freezing showers in the dark after walking in the rain
Five things I missed most about Canada/Toronto:
1. Friends, family and pets
2. Warm showers
3. Clean bathrooms
4. Sushi
5. Being able to speak the same language as everyone around me
Five things I will miss from my host country:
1. The three best friends I made this summer
2. All the inspiring people I met at the station
3. The abundance and diversity of flora and fauna as well as the breathtaking landscapes
4. The slower pace of life
5. Pineapple jelly
I miss watching the jungle wake up on the dock.
The howler monkeys start yelling at distant motor boats,
the kiskadees begin squabbling in the trees,
and the bats return to their roost for the day.

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