Friday, 27 July 2012

Week 13

Total Miles Walked: 436! (702 km)

That's it everyone! Last night was my final night walk, and luckily we saw a green and a hawksbill come up within a few metres of eachother. Our patrol also set the record for longest time waiting on a turtle - 6 hours waiting for one hawksbill to nest (which she didn't end up doing in the end). Since it's been raining so much, she attempted to dig 7 different egg chambers, all of which were filled with water. When she finally gave up, I had a silent goodbye to the last turtle I'll see this summer (though after 6 hours, it was easy to say goodbye).

It's kind of bittersweet to be leaving Cano Palma after three months - there's things I won't really miss (like the mosquitoes and the rain) but I know I'll be missing this place the minute I get on the boat to leave. I'm extremely sad but also excited for what lies ahead. Kirstin and I are leaving the station at 5am tomorrow, and then heading down to Quepos/Manuel Antonio, Montezuma and possibly Monteverde until we come back to Canada on August 6th. 

My last week here wouldn't be complete without the following:

  • the six- hour hawksbill halfmoon
  • waiting for the six hour halfmoon in a tropical storm
  • walking the beach in the light of the moon watching fireflies, lightning, bio-luminescent sand,  and shooting stars
  • almost stepping on a strawberry poison dart frog 
  • having white-faced capuchins watch me in the shower (I felt violated)
  • having spider monkeys in the trees above while I shower (though they didn't stare, they're not as perverted as the capuchins)

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Week 12

Miles walked: 419.25

It's been raining here for nearly a month without a single day of sun, and apparently this is "the little rainy season." In just 20 days we've received 730mm of rain, which is almost as much as Toronto's annual rainfall (800mm) This is not surprising since Tortuguero's annual rainfall is about 5000mm. 

The view from our room

The flooded boat dock

A group from Fleming college has been at the station since July5th with their director Josh Feltham, a COTERC board member. They made this video, so you can really see what the rain is like here:

Other than the constant rain, we've been getting lots of turtles every night - mostly greens and even a hawksbill nest last night. Getting to see nesting turtles makes walking for four hours in the pouring rain worth it in the end. Unfortunately, we had another poached green turtle yesterday - just the shell and the head were left on the beach. I'll spare you guys the gruesome pictures this week, but it was very hard for me to see this just before I leave the station. Part of me wants to stay here to continue working on the marine turtle monitoring project, but another part of me misses home a lot. Just thinking about leaving the station gives me so many mixed emotions.I feel so torn - I will miss Cano Palma so much but I'm looking forward to seeing family and friends and being able to wear dry clothing again. I'll try to squeeze another blog in before I leave (July 28th)- until then, hasta luego!

In other news, Cano Palma now has a facebook page! Please like them and spread the word around 

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Week 11

Miles walked to date: 395.25

Hey all! After last weeks depressing blog post, I'm happy to post something on a happier  note. On Wednesday night my patrol came upon the tracks of a turtle that had been mostly washed out by the tide, I followed them up to find a Loggerhead turtle digging her nest chamber with her back fins. Loggerheads are extremely rare on this beach - I have been lucky enough to see one come up the beach once before, but the opportunity to see one nest was something else! In fact, this turtle was the first confirmed nesting of Loggerheads in the history of Cano Palma's turtle monitoring program. 

Loggerheads are about the same size as a green turtle, but they have larger heads and shorter limbs. This turtle had a massive head, jaws and 'beak' (to crush crusteaceans) and a raised ridge down the middle of her carapace.

Today I went to Tortuguero to watch the STC (Sea Turtle Conservancy) release a green turtle named "Shelldon" with a satellite tracker. This was part of the "Tour de Turtles" - a race between 15 satellite tagged sea turtles released from various parts of the world. The turtle that swims the furthest on its migration route wins the Tour de Turtles (I'm secretly rooting for the Leatherbacks).

You can track Shelldon's location here! 

Mariya and I waiting for Shelldon's debut

(I don't have any pictures of the release but a video is coming soon!)

 Shenique is sad that turtles ignore Jamaica.

Not related to turtles, but look! A whale skull!

Friday, 6 July 2012

Week 10

Miles walked to date: 355.5

Warning: you might not want to read this if you're squeamish

Last night our patrol was walking on the beach when we saw the shape of a turtle in the distance, emerging from the sea. The three of us waited for her to move up the beach, but after about a minute it became apparent that something was wrong. Her fins were positioned at awkward angles - instead of sticking out from her body, they were tied to each other underneath her body. Her neck looked larger than normal - and her eyes were bulging out of her head. As soon as I realized that this turtle was dead - my heart sank. 

Here are some pictures that will be used in a report to MINAE (Costa Rica's Ministry of the Environment).

We don't know exactly what happened to this turtle, but her carapace looked like it had been punctured by a harpoon several times,  so she may have been poached offshore. Her body washed onto the beach sometime during the day yesterday (the family I talked to from the house on the beach said they found her at 5:00pm). While examining the turtle all I could think about was an excerpt I read from a masters thesis conducted on this very beach - an interview with a poacher:

"I catch turtle but I don’t like it. It’s ugly…catching turtle is the ugliest thing there is.
Because we put the turtles on their back and we put another one on top…in pairs…and
we peg them together through the flippers. It hurts them a lot and they try to bite. 

Sometimes, when the sea is rough, the turtles bounce and the one that lies on her back breaks her shell, because they are so heavy and their shell isn’t that strong. It’s something…it’s very ugly. Sometimes when the coastguard comes close…we throw them into the water… and these turtles, of course they die because they don’t have their fins to swim. But we don’t have time to cut them loose"

-Frederik J.W. van Oudenhoven (Of Turtles and Tactics, Conservation and sustainable community development in San Francisco, Costa Rica, 2007)

Again, we don't know if this is what happened to our turtle but last night reminded me of this interview. The turtle has been reported to MINAE, though they are not coming to examine it. From what I've been told, the ministry told the family on the beach 'leave it for the vultures.' Sometimes I feel like there is such low concern for Playa Norte from the government. This is why I'm so interested in community based conservation practices, strategies that don't require heavy top-down enforcement.  One project I've been working on in the local community is the creation of anti-poaching posters. Some people in the village will buy meat or eggs but do not see the turtles butchered on the beach. When people are removed from the process, it makes it hard to believe that it is happening not too far from them.  Since most of the people are employed by the tourism industry, their livelihoods depend on nesting turtles that draw in tourists by the thousands. Here's just one of the posters I made using the pictures from last year: 

"Hunters are killing our future.
Do not give support for hunters.
Report with this number"

When I first came to Cano Palma, I was frustrated and even a bit angry when I saw poached nests and pictures of butchered turtles. But for the past two months, I've become less judgmental and more aware of the situations that drive poachers to kill turtles. For one, the consumption of sea turtle meat and eggs has been an important food source for people for thousands of years - only in the past few decades has it been made illegal due to species endangerment. The second issue I have become made more aware of is the disparity in the ecotourism industry, which states that an animal is worth more alive than dead. However, what is often overlooked is who is benefiting from the ecotourism industry. Most of the money from tourism does not go directly to Costa Rican people, since most hotels have foreign owners (Frederik J.W. van Oudenhoven, 2007). It is no wonder that so many people are compelled to poach when the opportunity to make extra money walks right into their front yard.

“I know it’s illegal, and I know we’re killing them to extinction,
but I can’t read or write […] and I don’t have a fixed job...”.

-Interview with a fisherman, Frederik J.W. van Oudenhoven, 2007

If anything, this has motivated me more to be involved in conservation and sustainable development. There are so many issues surrounding turtle poaching in this area that it's very difficult to address all the root causes. From what I've read - people poach for many different reasons: either for their own sustenance, to sell to others, for money to fuel addictions or for organized criminal operations. How it is possible to create a conservation strategy that covers all of that? It's certainly not an easy task, and I feel more compelled than ever to take on the challenge. 

-Thanks to Kirstin Silvera for the turtle pictures, since I wasn't able to take any last night-

UPDATE: July 7, 2012. 
Last night another deceased turtle was found on the beach, tied the same way as the first one. The rumor from local community members is that a boat was intercepted by the coastguard, and in the process dumped its cargo of drugs and poached turtles before they could be charged with possession.